
De Spiriplayer biedt hulp bij pijnbestrijding voor diverse klachten zoals chronische pijn, hoofdpijn en psychische aandoeningen zoals angst, depressie en slaapproblemen. Het ondersteunt ook het herstel, bevordert welzijn en kan worden gebruikt voor andere aandoeningen zoals hormonale klachten, leerproblemen en verminderde conditie. Hoewel niet erkend door de reguliere geneeskunde, vormt het een waardevolle aanvulling. Elke cel in het lichaam heeft een frequentie; de Spiriplayer helpt de balans te herstellen, ongeacht de oorzaak van de verstoring.

Maar zelfs zonder klachten is het een waardevolle toevoeging om de balans in je lichaam te vinden en je energiekanalen in lijn te brengen. Ook bij tijdelijke klachten waarbij je wat extra ondersteuning nodig hebt, is het zeer geschikt.

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About the Spiriplayer


The concept behind the Spiriplayer is rooted in the idea that everything in the universe is based on vibrating energy, including our bodies. When our energy becomes out of balance, physical and emotional health problems can arise. The Spiriplayer focuses on restoring that balance by emitting healing frequencies. It is a versatile tool ideal for holistic practices, meditations, mindfulness, yoga, and can easily be used at home to support wellbeing.



The healing frequencies of the Spiriplayer can be adjusted to specific needs and goals. Whether relieving pain, reducing stress, promoting deeper sleep or increasing overall vitality, the Spiriplayer offers a tailored approach to healing. Even plants can absorb these frequencies and thrive better. You can use the pure frequency tones or combine the frequencies with soothing music.

Everywhere you are


The Spiriplayer is user-friendly and can easily be integrated into your daily life. The compact design makes it portable so you can take it anywhere. Whether you're at home, at work or on the road, you can benefit from the healing power of frequencies. Thanks to the USB-C charger, you can take the device anywhere without the hassle of cords.

The healing benefits of

Solfeggio frequencies

174HZ - Reduce stress and pain

174 Hertz helps reduce physical pain. It stimulates the organs to function optimally and gives them a feeling of love and security. It works particularly well against lower back pain and pain in the legs, heels and feet.

285HZ - Energy, safety, survival

285 Hertz has a calming effect. It heals damaged tissue and is especially beneficial for damaged organs.

396HZ - Transform sadness and fear

396 Hertz is related to your root chakra. This chakra is blocked by fear and worry. The vibrations of this frequency help release these worries and fears and send positive energy your way.

417HZ - Healing from trauma

417 Hertz helps you release all stored negativity. Especially if you suffer from negative mental blocks, this frequency can set you free. It can also stimulate change.

432HZ - Healing depression and anxiety

432 Hertz is equal to the frequency of the earth and nature. By listening to this music you reduce stress, lower your heart rate and tune into the “heartbeat of the earth”.

528HZ - Inner peace, miracles, DNA recovery

528 Hertz restores and harmonizes your entire DNA. It can provide clearer consciousness, creativity, increasing life energy and a general sense of well-being. You can use this frequency before bed to clear low frequencies or to release bad experiences and emotions.

639HZ - Reconnection and balancing, healing relationships

639 Hertz is connected to your heart chakra and works well to attract love and positive energy. It increases compassion and can help with relationship problems.

741HZ - Emotional stability and problem solving

741 Hertz helps you with the power of self-expression. This helps you to build a pure and stable spiritual life. It can also help with problem solving.

852HZ - Harmony, intuition, awakening

852 Hertz helps awaken your intuition. It is connected to your third eye chakra. It helps you connect with your guides and provides guidance from your higher self. It opens the blocked third eye and provides new insights.

963HZ - Return to true nature

963 Hertz is one of the most powerful and positive tones available. It not only activates your pineal gland, but is also connected to your crown chakra. It is also called “the frequency of God”. It helps you connect with your source and strengthens the feeling of connection and being part of the bigger picture.